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Questions & Answers About Scribe

Khali LaBre breaks down for us the origin of the characters and the story of Scribe: A Novel. Here are some questions and answers she gives us about the novel.

Where did you get the inspiration for Scribe?

Scribe came to me back in 2018 while writing a short story in the Creative Writing class that I was in at The University of South Florida. We were asked to write a chapter and, boom, Scribe was born. The way that the story flows was inspired by the way Zora Neale Hurston wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God, and I mixed in the repetitious rhythm of Jamaica Kincaid’s Mr. Potter. I was raised in Orlando, Florida, so most of the locations that are cited throughout the novel are real places, although some places aren’t around anymore, and some are fictitious. Checker Park, for example, is a real location.

Why did you stick to using the African American Vernacular in this story?

I had to stay true to my culture, and what I was exposed to while coming up in Orlando. Most of the people I came up around in Orlando spoke in AAVE and we would code switch when necessary, such as in a professional setting. AAVE is my native dialect, and I wanted the reader to get the feeling of being in the shoes of someone who speaks with that dialect. I also wrote this story for those of us who already speak in AAVE. I could have written this book in Standard English if I wanted to, but the story would come off as bland and inauthentic, so for the folks who prefer books written in Standard English, I have some projects lined up for the next few years that you might like, although I’ve never received a complaint about the way Scribe was written.

Who are the main characters, and where did they come from?

Demetri “Meechi” Joseph is the protagonist of the story. Scribe is written in three parts that explain different phases in Meechi’s life. I actually got that idea from the movie, Moonlight, and how it broke down the main character’s, Chiron, life in three stages. Meechi has to learn to stop being a bystander in his life and learn to take control of it, along with acknowledging his trauma. He uses his magical writing powers to write things into existence to happen in his favor but soon learns that he needs to be specific because sometimes things happen in his favor although it looks like a catastrophe, but it’s for his best interest.

Trenton is that friend I feel that most people have that are completely whimsical. Trenton is a wise character although he battles his schizophrenia throughout most of the story. I wanted to showcase Trenton in a way, for us who are neurodivergent, to show that our illnesses do not define us. Having a mental illness does not make you dumb, it just causes you to have to live your life differently from others to stay as mentally stable as possible. You can be philosophical and reasonable despite your mental illness. I was rooting for Trent the whole time I was writing this book!

Available on Thanksgiving Day

Miss Viv is my most favorite character in the book! She’s extremely intuitive and knows things that Meechi doesn’t think she does. I was inspired to write Miss Viv’s character based on several older women, including my late Grandma Emma who always said “I’m hangin’, but not so high!” whenever you’d ask her how she was doing. I grew up being around older women for much of my childhood, so that snappy Southern belle energy is where I pulled her energy from. I was also inspired by the Oracle from the Matrix for Miss Viv’s ability to detect things in the future.

Sheila is Meechi’s toxic mother. Meechi’s initial downward spiral in life is the result of Sheila. Years after Meechi finally leaves her and goes without talking to her or stopping by to see her, she has t reconcile with herself and God to try to make changes in her life, but she soon learns that it doesn’t pay to be ugly. We all carry some sort of trauma from something that someone has done to us, but that doesn’t mean we have to treat others the way that we have been treated, and that it what Sheila has to learn in this story.

Porscha is Meechi’s heartbeat. Porscha is a woman who became homeless after suffering a mental breakdown from her Major Depressive Disorder. She makes money at the bus station by playing her guitar and singing for the people walking by. She and Meechi’s connection is overwhelmingly magical. I’ll let you read the rest.

When does Scribe come out?

Scribe will be published and released on 11/24/2022, Thanksgiving Day, via major ebook retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple Books. Scribe will be released in paperback through Amazon, through Lemons & Gold Publishing LLC! This will give you something good to read while you’re digesting all that food!

action & adventure Contemporary Fiction Fiction Magical Realism Motivational Speculative Fiction

Scribe is NOW AVAILABLE for E-Book Pre-Order at the Promotional Price of $5.99!

Scribe is the most serious piece of fiction I have ever written! It took me 4 years (let’s not forget that this was also my thesis project for grad school!) to complete this novel because I wanted the story to turn out just as I pictured it in my head, and it had to be right. The book is undergoing multiple editing sessions to make sure that it arrives on your e-reader, or at your door, piping hot with action, drama, and magic.

I grew up in Orlando and the scenes are primarily based in the areas that I grew up in or frequented throughout my life, so if you’re an Orlando native, you’ll recognize different locations in the book!

Scribe has gone through several peer reviews with great feedback regarding the story’s feel and the dialogue’s fluidity. I speak fluent AAVE and this is one story that I had to write authentically. After all of the feedback and helpful criticisms that I have received throughout the years, I know for a fact you’ll enjoy it!

Here is the synopsis for the story, I have removed as many spoilers as I can:

Scribe is a compellingly magical story about a determined young man growing up in the inner-city streets of Orlando. We follow Demetri Joseph (Meechi), through three different phases of his life as he discovers and utilizes his talent and gift as a writer to find his way out of poverty, an abusive relationship with his mother, and into a life of prosperity and love. Meechi learns to be careful about what he asks for because sometimes loss is necessary to win, and sometimes instant gratification isn’t worth it.

Scribe is filled with lovable and relatable characters, like Meechi’s best friend, Trent, who faces challenges with his mental illness, and is a visionary who convinces Meechi to use his magical writing gift. We also meet the charmingly witty and wise Miss Viv, an elderly woman who is a retired school teacher and respected in her community, guides Meechi on his path to success.

Meechi continues to learn about himself, others, and the balance of duality between light and dark as he becomes a grown man. He realizes that a lot of things that the future holds have a lot to do with making peace with the past. The journey to success simultaneously comes with joy and turmoil, be careful what you ask for.

Scribe will be released on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2022!

Be the first to read Scribe by Pre-Ordering your copy here!

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What to Expect From Us as Your Publisher

Thank you so much for visiting Lemons & Gold Publishing!

Lemons & Gold Publishing is a small, boutique indie press that specializes in publishing speculative novels by Black authors due to the pushback that Black speculative authors receive from the mainstream publishing houses. About 2% of 2,000 speculative authors that were published in 2015, were Black authors. That’s unacceptable!

Therefore, we’re currently accepting and publishing manuscripts from Black authors (across the Diaspora), who write fantasy, science, and contemporary speculative fiction. This can also include stories that have a lot of magical realism elements in them as well.

It’s exciting to get your first book published, but it’s also important to know what you’re getting yourself into, so why should you work with a small press? Well, you get more of a face-to-face, personal approach with the publisher. Small presses are able to sit with you and help you improve your story and your overall writing craft as a writer. We do this by highlighting your strengths and pointing out substantial weaknesses in your story. 

Being that we are a small press, this also allows you to receive more in royalties with us than you would with a big-name publisher, simply because you don’t have a pile of people to pay.  Lemons & Gold Publishing will support you as you begin your career as an author.

As the Head of Publishing at Lemons & Gold Publishing, Khali LaBre will help you by:

  • Completing a development edit of your novel to make sure your story is cohesive and doesn’t have substantial errors
  • Formatting your books for ebook and print distribution 
  • Creating a beautiful book cover that fits your books genre and market* 
  • Promoting your book before, during, and after your release date* on our social media outlets and our website, where we will also list you as one of our authors
  • Distrbuting your books to a wide number of retailers

Why should you work with Lemons & Gold Publishing? Great question! Although we’re new, our founder and owner, Khàli LaBré, isn’t new to publishing. She started in 2018 as a self-published author while finishing her undergrad degree in English. She published two novels that year and did the entire process by herself as a broke college student. 

She knows what it’s like to write 4th and 5th drafts, edit the book into oblivion, participate in critique groups, to create her own book covers, submit a book to be added to the county library, and later down the road after she had already published her first two books, she worked as a digital marketer and learned how to advertise on social media. She’s currently in an MFA master’s program, fine-tuning her creative writing abilities and learning about the industry. 

Khàli LaBré is well qualified to help you on your journey and provide you with the resources you need to guide you on your next steps after publishing. She will help you avoid the mistakes she made when she first became a published author, and will tell you what she knows to help you with your journey.

Once you submit your story to us, we will respond within 7-10 business days. If your story meets our criteria and we find interest in it, we will let you know within that week if we would like to publish it and send you our offer. 

From that point, we will complete extensive edits, critiques, and coaching moments, and also run promotional campaigns before, during, and after your book is published and launched. We will also offer you a book cover, or you can use one that has been made for you as long as it meets our standards as our publishing brand. 

We will also help you find ways to do your author events (especially online right now due to the pandemic), and other resources to promote your story. If we find your work to be exceptional, we will submit your story to be nominated for various book awards.

What We Expect From You as an Author

We expect our authors is to bring us a completely finished manuscript that meets our genre and standards, preferably pre-edited and reviewed or beta-read. Authors should also be promoting themselves and their work prior to working with us and will be responsible for their part in self-promotion. More details will be given when we give you our offer and meet with you on a scheduled Zoom call. 

To submit your manuscript with us, you must follow our submission guidelines that can be found on our website at 

Our overall goal is to have a bigger team and provide even more for our authors and readers throughout the year and into 2023. Khàli has so many ideas in store, but it really depends on you and your support as authors, readers, and subscribers to help us in our efforts to see this goal come true!

We are the Voice of the Black Superhero!

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What’s New in 2022?

Alright, so it’s been a while since we’ve posted a blog post, and we sincerely apologize for that, but we have a very good reason as to why. After completing her first year of grad school, Khàli LaBré has decided to take her author brand, Lemons & Gold, and expand it into a Black indie publishing company! That’s right, Lemons & Gold is now Lemons & Gold Publishing!

As of December 2021, we are now an indie publishing company that is currently publishing and promoting the stories of Black authors who write speculative fiction. This includes fantasy fiction, science fiction, speculative contemporary & literary fiction (contemporary, thought-provoking stories that include some elements of magical realism), written by Black authors who would like to work with a small publisher to get their books published and promoted a little faster than waiting for a big publishing house to see and accept them.

Now, that being said, yes we know that there are thousands upon thousands of Black authors wanting to be published; however, we will be making sure that the quality of the stories that we decide to publish will be of good quality. We are not going to be publishing just any and everybody. The best part is that even if we decide to not go with your story, you will receive critique and coaching from a qualified source to get you on the right track. This will be discussed in another post.

So, let’s talk about what our 2022 goals are as a publishing company:

  1. Publish 10-12 Books! Yes, you read that right! We have a quota to meet! There are so many Black authors who are struggling to get their books published simply because instead of focusing on the plight of us as Black people, they want to write about us in fantastical lands and living magical lives. This genre is being overlooked in the mainstream publishing industry, so we want to pave the way here at Lemons & Gold Publishing, after all, that’s kinda how we got started.
  2. Grow Our Own Community: If you haven’t done it yet, now would be the best time to sign up for our email newsletter! We are completely revamping the way that we engage with our readers and have a LOT in store for 2022! So please sign up for the newsletter, and also stay tuned because we will also be starting a Patreon that you definitely will want to be a part of that will include some goodies throughout the year!
  3. Coaching and Promoting Amazing New Black Authors: One of the best things about working with us as a publisher is that Khàli has completed the entire process herself as a self-published author and learned what to do, and definitely what not to do when it comes to promoting your novels before, during, and after a launch. We want our authors to know that they are supported by making sure their names and books are being showcased in every avenue possible.

If you are interested in becoming published with us, you can see our submission guidelines here:

So, there you have it! These are the 3 biggest goals that we have for 2022! Will we accomplish these goals? Will you be one of our newest authors? Find out on the next episode of….hmmm…don’t have a title for that yet! Lol! Happy New Year!