Wanna get your writing out there to be seen!? This year, Lemons & Gold Publishing is hosting our first ever annual Super Summer Short Story #WritingContest for Black writers who love to write short stories involving genres such as fantasy, science fiction, the paranormal, or magical realism.

Stories can also be a cross-genre mix, such as paranormal-romance, speculative-contemporary, etc. However, for the contest, they must have a Summer theme!

The first 3 winners will be published through different major retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and Kobo (Internationally) as well as our Black Galaxy Literary Magazine.

First Place Winner will receive a cash prize, publication as listed above, and promotion of their work through all of our social media outlets for 30 days.

Submissions CAN NOT be published anywhere else in any way, shape, or form. (We will check! If we find your story published elsewhere, you will be disqualified.)

Submission Fee: $15

International Submissions Are Welcome!

Submit your story to submit@lemonsngold.com 

The deadline to submit your story is July 1st 11:59 pm EST.

Please see further submission guidelines here: https://lemonsngold.com/guidelines-for-bglm/

Let’s see what you got!