Category: Magical Realism

Questions & Answers About Scribe

Khali LaBre breaks down for us the origin of the characters and the story of…

Berthas Gets a New Book Cover

You know Cheryl, right? Yeah, Dr. Cheryl Diane Parkinson…that’s right! Well, she’s an amazing writer…

Fantastical Fiction for Beginners ft Khàli LaBré

Have you ever wanted to write a story, but you just didn’t know how to…

Scribe is NOW AVAILABLE for E-Book Pre-Order at the Promotional Price of $5.99!

Scribe is the most serious piece of fiction I have ever written! It took me…

Lemons & Gold Publishing Summer Fundraiser w/Indiegogo | Show Your Support

You say you want to read more diverse books. You want to see more Black…

What Is Speculative Fiction?

We’ve been pumping out Twitter and IG posts left and right, hollering about speculative fiction…

A Lemons & Gold Publishing Original: The Visionary Chronicles

If you’ve been following us on Twitter or Instagram (mainly Twitter), you have seen us…