action & adventure Author Highlights Contemporary Fiction Fiction Lemons & Gold Originals Magical Realism Motivational Publishing Speculative Fiction Uncategorized

Questions & Answers About Scribe

Khali LaBre breaks down for us the origin of the characters and the story of Scribe: A Novel. Here are some questions and answers she gives us about the novel.

Where did you get the inspiration for Scribe?

Scribe came to me back in 2018 while writing a short story in the Creative Writing class that I was in at The University of South Florida. We were asked to write a chapter and, boom, Scribe was born. The way that the story flows was inspired by the way Zora Neale Hurston wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God, and I mixed in the repetitious rhythm of Jamaica Kincaid’s Mr. Potter. I was raised in Orlando, Florida, so most of the locations that are cited throughout the novel are real places, although some places aren’t around anymore, and some are fictitious. Checker Park, for example, is a real location.

Why did you stick to using the African American Vernacular in this story?

I had to stay true to my culture, and what I was exposed to while coming up in Orlando. Most of the people I came up around in Orlando spoke in AAVE and we would code switch when necessary, such as in a professional setting. AAVE is my native dialect, and I wanted the reader to get the feeling of being in the shoes of someone who speaks with that dialect. I also wrote this story for those of us who already speak in AAVE. I could have written this book in Standard English if I wanted to, but the story would come off as bland and inauthentic, so for the folks who prefer books written in Standard English, I have some projects lined up for the next few years that you might like, although I’ve never received a complaint about the way Scribe was written.

Who are the main characters, and where did they come from?

Demetri “Meechi” Joseph is the protagonist of the story. Scribe is written in three parts that explain different phases in Meechi’s life. I actually got that idea from the movie, Moonlight, and how it broke down the main character’s, Chiron, life in three stages. Meechi has to learn to stop being a bystander in his life and learn to take control of it, along with acknowledging his trauma. He uses his magical writing powers to write things into existence to happen in his favor but soon learns that he needs to be specific because sometimes things happen in his favor although it looks like a catastrophe, but it’s for his best interest.

Trenton is that friend I feel that most people have that are completely whimsical. Trenton is a wise character although he battles his schizophrenia throughout most of the story. I wanted to showcase Trenton in a way, for us who are neurodivergent, to show that our illnesses do not define us. Having a mental illness does not make you dumb, it just causes you to have to live your life differently from others to stay as mentally stable as possible. You can be philosophical and reasonable despite your mental illness. I was rooting for Trent the whole time I was writing this book!

Available on Thanksgiving Day

Miss Viv is my most favorite character in the book! She’s extremely intuitive and knows things that Meechi doesn’t think she does. I was inspired to write Miss Viv’s character based on several older women, including my late Grandma Emma who always said “I’m hangin’, but not so high!” whenever you’d ask her how she was doing. I grew up being around older women for much of my childhood, so that snappy Southern belle energy is where I pulled her energy from. I was also inspired by the Oracle from the Matrix for Miss Viv’s ability to detect things in the future.

Sheila is Meechi’s toxic mother. Meechi’s initial downward spiral in life is the result of Sheila. Years after Meechi finally leaves her and goes without talking to her or stopping by to see her, she has t reconcile with herself and God to try to make changes in her life, but she soon learns that it doesn’t pay to be ugly. We all carry some sort of trauma from something that someone has done to us, but that doesn’t mean we have to treat others the way that we have been treated, and that it what Sheila has to learn in this story.

Porscha is Meechi’s heartbeat. Porscha is a woman who became homeless after suffering a mental breakdown from her Major Depressive Disorder. She makes money at the bus station by playing her guitar and singing for the people walking by. She and Meechi’s connection is overwhelmingly magical. I’ll let you read the rest.

When does Scribe come out?

Scribe will be published and released on 11/24/2022, Thanksgiving Day, via major ebook retailers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple Books. Scribe will be released in paperback through Amazon, through Lemons & Gold Publishing LLC! This will give you something good to read while you’re digesting all that food!

action & adventure Author Highlights Contemporary Fiction Fiction Magical Realism Mental Health Publishing Reviews Speculative Fiction Uncategorized

Berthas Gets a New Book Cover

You know Cheryl, right? Yeah, Dr. Cheryl Diane Parkinson…that’s right!

Well, she’s an amazing writer and her prose is like no other with her uncanny ability to switch between the Queen’s English and Jamaican Patois and to throw plot twists at you that will punch you in the gut.

After the successful launch of her psychologically thrilling book, Berthas, with Lemons & Gold Publishing LLC, we decided to give her book a new book cover that we believed fit the vibe of the story perfectly. Although, we’ve had some say that they liked the original book cover just as much.

original blue cover

Which cover do you like the best? The new, bright cover with a representation on the cover, or the original blue cover illustrating the four generations of women?

FYI the blue cover is available in paperback for a limited time only. January 31, 2023 will be the last day that it will be in print, so be quick and snatch it up fast!

new cream cover with Saly staring into space
Contemporary Fiction Crowdfunding Fiction Flash Fiction Flash Fiction Series Magical Realism MFA Creative Writing Publishing Romance science fiction short reads Short Stories Uncategorized writing courses Writing Tips

Fantastical Fiction for Beginners ft Khàli LaBré

Have you ever wanted to write a story, but you just didn’t know how to start, or where to start? Maybe you’ve never understood what writers meant when they talked about cross-genres, plotholes, or pantsing. Perhaps you struggle with getting your story to flow smoothly, especially when you get to the middle of the story. This course will teach you everything you need to know to help you become a fiction writer.

Participants in this course will learn the different parts of fiction writing, including storytelling versus writing elements, genre conventions and elements, the different arcs of a story, and how to do peer reviews and critiques, while they work on writing their own 4-page short stories to receive a peer review and critiques from their fellow participants and Khali LaBre. This course is meant to be fun and relaxing, so there will be prizes for those who participate and a raffle for 3 lucky winners!

This is a 12-week course that runs from January 7, 2023, to March 11, 2023. Classes will be held every week on Saturday online, on Zoom at 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. Participants will only be allowed to choose a one-time slot for the entirety of the course, and there are limited slots, so be sure to get your desired time slot first! The course is $120 to enroll. Participants will also receive a free ebook.

For any further questions about this course, please contact Khali at and follow her on her new website where she will post any new information regarding the course.

action & adventure Contemporary Fiction Fiction Magical Realism Motivational Speculative Fiction

Scribe is NOW AVAILABLE for E-Book Pre-Order at the Promotional Price of $5.99!

Scribe is the most serious piece of fiction I have ever written! It took me 4 years (let’s not forget that this was also my thesis project for grad school!) to complete this novel because I wanted the story to turn out just as I pictured it in my head, and it had to be right. The book is undergoing multiple editing sessions to make sure that it arrives on your e-reader, or at your door, piping hot with action, drama, and magic.

I grew up in Orlando and the scenes are primarily based in the areas that I grew up in or frequented throughout my life, so if you’re an Orlando native, you’ll recognize different locations in the book!

Scribe has gone through several peer reviews with great feedback regarding the story’s feel and the dialogue’s fluidity. I speak fluent AAVE and this is one story that I had to write authentically. After all of the feedback and helpful criticisms that I have received throughout the years, I know for a fact you’ll enjoy it!

Here is the synopsis for the story, I have removed as many spoilers as I can:

Scribe is a compellingly magical story about a determined young man growing up in the inner-city streets of Orlando. We follow Demetri Joseph (Meechi), through three different phases of his life as he discovers and utilizes his talent and gift as a writer to find his way out of poverty, an abusive relationship with his mother, and into a life of prosperity and love. Meechi learns to be careful about what he asks for because sometimes loss is necessary to win, and sometimes instant gratification isn’t worth it.

Scribe is filled with lovable and relatable characters, like Meechi’s best friend, Trent, who faces challenges with his mental illness, and is a visionary who convinces Meechi to use his magical writing gift. We also meet the charmingly witty and wise Miss Viv, an elderly woman who is a retired school teacher and respected in her community, guides Meechi on his path to success.

Meechi continues to learn about himself, others, and the balance of duality between light and dark as he becomes a grown man. He realizes that a lot of things that the future holds have a lot to do with making peace with the past. The journey to success simultaneously comes with joy and turmoil, be careful what you ask for.

Scribe will be released on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2022!

Be the first to read Scribe by Pre-Ordering your copy here!

Contemporary Fiction Crowdfunding Fiction Flash Fiction Flash Fiction Series Fundraiser Fundraising Investing Opportunity Magical Realism Publishing Romance Sponsorship Summer Fundraiser

Lemons & Gold Publishing Summer Fundraiser w/Indiegogo | Show Your Support

You say you want to read more diverse books. You want to see more Black superheroes, kings and queens, magical fairytale lands, space explorers, and everything, right?

Well, Lemons & Gold Publishing specializes in writing, publishing, promoting, and supporting Black authors who write Speculative Fiction novels! Only a small percentage of speculative fiction stories written by Black authors are published by the top mainstream publishing companies each year.

This is our first year, and by contributing to our crowdfund with Indiegogo , you will be helping us grow our small publishing company so that we can give our authors the love that they deserve to excel in their careers, which will help us get more diverse books in your hands.

Lemons & Gold Publishing is a Black-owned, Woman-owned, and Disability-owned company based in Central Florida. We are dedicated to raising the voices of the Black Superheroes…will you join us?

We have a goal of $50,000 with a Deadline of July 13, 2022, to reach it! We hope to reach this goal but would be just as grateful if we don’t reach that number. Thank you in advance for your support, it will not go unnoticed!

Click Here for More Information:…/lemons-gold-publishing…

Academic Contemporary Fiction Fiction Flash Fiction Flash Fiction Series Magical Realism MFA Creative Writing Publishing Romance Short Stories Speculative Fiction Writing Tips

What Is Speculative Fiction?

We’ve been pumping out Twitter and IG posts left and right, hollering about speculative fiction all over the place! At Lemons & Gold Publishing, we are in the business of publishing stories by Black authors who write speculative fiction. We have been saying that over and over and over and we know that some of you might be wondering:

Well, just what is speculative fiction?

We’re glad you asked!

Speculative fiction is a giant umbrella for all of the magical genres and sub-genres, including science-fiction, fantasy fiction (think Game of Thrones), magical realism, or fiction that involves elements that don’t exist in the mundane, real world. 

Magical realism is something that can be utilized mainly in a contemporary story, (but can be used in almost any genre), in which the setting is in the real world, but the characters experience something unconventional or otherworldly.

So, if you write about dragons and castles, or aliens and spaceships, or even about characters manifesting things or prayers being answered (also considered to be magical realism) these types of elements make up the genre of speculative fiction.

You can also have elements of speculative fiction and mix them with other genres, such as romance, contemporary, mystery, etc. We publish all of these kinds of stories (just please hold off on the horror until further notice! We promise to let you know when we’re ready!).

Speaking of publishing, stop by our submissions page for guidelines for having your story published by us. We are accepting flash fiction, short stories, novellas, and novels. There are word count requirements for each format. Flash fiction and short stories will be published in our new online literary magazine, Black Galaxy. Short stories will also be distributed to our retailers.


Savannah Gilbo

Book Riot What is Speculative Fiction?

See who we distribute to by clicking the links below!

Dreams of Akasha

Dreams of the Fearless

See Our New Merch Here!

Author Highlights Fiction Lemons & Gold Originals Magical Realism Motivational Speculative Fiction Uncategorized

A Lemons & Gold Publishing Original: The Visionary Chronicles

If you’ve been following us on Twitter or Instagram (mainly Twitter), you have seen us promoting and continuously circulating posts about The Visionary Chronicles. Currently, the series has 2 books out, but we plan to publish the third, and last book of this series this Summer. The books that are currently out are:

Dreams of Akasha: The Visionary Chronicles

Dreams of the Fearless: The Visionary Chronicles II

This is the debut series that was written by Khàli LaBré and originally published back in July and November of 2018, respectively, when Lemons & Gold was simply a brand name for her author platform.

What makes this series so great is that it follows a warrior queen, Queen Akasha (nothing to do with Aaliyah and Queen of the Damned, Khàli just liked the name), who is neurodivergent, on her journey to help her cousin, Queen Binamu, who is also the queen of Akasha’s sister city, to defeat a vengefully evil queen in the southern city of their country, the city of Mayaba. The story is set faaaaar into the future, in the year 5130 C.E. after the Day of Settlement (after the apocalypse) and the people are rebuilding the world, including the discovery of different types of technology of past millennia.

Akasha and company make unlikely friends along the way as she and her mighty army march, ride, and fly to the south, including a giant color-changing serpent named Nyoka, who happens to be thousands of years old but is quick-witted and funny, as well as obstacles designed to discourage Akasha from achieving her mission, such as the sudden appearance of the queendom of the mysterious city of Caeruleum where the Emperess attempts to freeze Akasha in her tracks, to play with her mind. Being that Akasha has disabilities, she is constantly being questioned about the madness of her methods and abilities by her husband, King Dakarai, citizens of the city, and her army. However, she is a queen who has great faith that Adonai (a god-like character) will help her accomplish her mission.

As you get into the second book in the series, Dreams of the Fearless, Akasha’s army gets bigger as the word goes out across the country about the war. Here, we follow one of the other characters, Midas, who happens to be best friends with Jahpheth. There is a moment in the story where we flashback to Midas and Jahpheth as children. Jahpheth was severely bullied as a kid for being gay. After one brutal attack, Midas stepped in and defeated Jahpheth’s attackers and vowed to watch after Jahpheth as his big brother. After the flashback, we find Midas going to Jahpheth’s house and surprising him and his partner, Shaaid. Midas is there to help Queen Akasha by getting more powerful weapons to defeat the Queen of Mayaba.

Then we get into the stories of Taurrus (a really cool guy), and the love story between Zaza and Malcolm, who is trapped in the porcelain white castle as a servant for the faceless Queen of Mayaba. The most excitement is with Kazi, Queen Binamu’s youngest daughter, who suddenly takes the place of Chief Commander Kamaja at 11 years old! There are so many mini character arcs and mini-story arcs throughout the series, they could become stories on their own!

The third book in the series is slated to be released this Summer to celebrate Lemons & Gold’s 4th year as a brand, as well as the 4th anniversary of The Visionary Chronicles. Dreams of Redemption: The Visionary Chronicles III,  picks up from book 2 where the identity of the Queen of Mayaba will be revealed, and Akasha must prove herself truthful and worthy to her own queendom! Drama, drama, drama!

What Inspired This Story?

Khàli was a student at the time she wrote these novels and was going through a few major life changes and challenges. She was overcoming trauma in her past and finding ways to better deal with her mental illness. The story was cathartic for her as she includes some things that happened to her in real life, into the story. Instead of writing an autobiography, she threw her experiences into works of fiction because she felt no one would believe any of these things happened to her in real life.

Khàli felt the need to just purge her emotions and memories into these books as a means of shadow work and getting to know herself better and gain a more positive perspective of her path and the world. She refers to herself as a Queen of the Underdogs, and although this series was a project for her to rebuild herself, her purpose in publishing the story was to uplift anyone who read the books and to help others to find the courage to achieve their dreams no matter what anyone has to say about it. She believes that if you believe in yourself, everything will work out in your favor, even during times when it doesn’t seem like it, your job is to always “Just Believe”.

How is this Series Different?

Khàli did a lot of experimenting with this series. There’s a lot of role reversal, a lot of magical realism, even down to the colors of what the characters are wearing (see if you can figure that one out!) The cities are all queendoms, and the characters are all Black-diasporic. At the time, before J.K. Rowling became so problematic, Khàli wanted to create an all-Black version of Harry Potter. Now, she just wants you to know she created a magical land of Black people.

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