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What’s New?! Update | Buy Our Books! | Lola Sky | YouTube

It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update, but I have been EXTREMELY busy behind the scenes, so much so that I eventually landed in a mental and creative funk. But the journey must continue, and for everyone that has been supporting me and Lemons & Gold Publishing, I want to say thank you and let it be known that you are highly appreciated.

Firstly, I’m just finishing a semester and heading into another one, which will leave me with one more semester to go before I graduate in October from Southern New Hampshire University. So, I have been slammed with writing my novel, promoting Berthas by our first author Cheryl Diane Parkinson, our crowdfunding with Indiegogo, and this year’s Super Summer Contest, as well as handling some personal issues and internal business affairs. So, that’s mostly where I have been.

Buy Our Books!

I am working on a way to make it easier for my avid readers to be able to find and purchase our books. A few of our major book retailers include Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo (international distribution), and more, and I just recently discovered the link that you can save to see all of our books together! Including The Visionary Chronicles, Berthas, and upcoming books that are on pre-order, such as Lola Sky!

I understand that funds are tight for everyone right now, so, keep checking the link because I do random book sales, but also have sales during the holidays (like Juneteenth). Please leave a review about the books if you decide to read them, it not only helps out the authors, but it will help to grow and improve our publishing company as well.

Here Is The Link To Our Library:

Operating a small publishing business, I can tell you that it can be expensive depending on which format we decide to publish our books. We are trying to raise funds right now to help us afford things such as ISBNs and printeries so that we can eventually distribute our books to different book stores in formats such as paperback, hardcover, and audiobooks. Right now I’m mainly publishing in ebook format and if the book does well enough after publishing, then I’ll publish it in print format. I will do a video that dives more into this (I actually did a podcast regarding this issue).

The thing is, I know how to go about having books distributed and formatted in various ways, the problem is that those things take money that my business does not have right now. I’m 5 months in the game as of today, but if you want to see our Black authors on bookshelves, as well as being promoted on other platforms, you want these books in audiobook format, please contribute what you can to the fundraiser we currently have on Indiegogo Our deadline is July 13th.

Lola Sky Returns!

OMG! I am so excited to announce that Lola Sky is making a comeback this summer! Originally created to be a series of flash fiction, I’ve decided to make Lola Sky a series of novellas. So throughout the month of June, I will be working on Season 1. Each book is a “season” (because I honestly want this series to be on Hulu or Netflix or something one day or whatever, a girl can dream…) and I originally set the plot up where there were 8 seasons total. So that means there will be at least 8 books total.

Lola Sky: The Series is jam-packed with action, adventure, hoodrat festivities, romance, scientific experiments, guns, machetes, talking cats, flights overseas, and more. It follows the main character, Dr. Quinita Jones who comes from a dark past, becomes an academic and a Medical Researcher, who finds herself coerced into a dangerous and insane mission to save the world with what she ends up stealing from the government. She meets some awesome characters along the way who she teams up with, and every character ends up revealing their superpower.

There’s money being thrown EVERYWHERE!!!

It’s a short read and it’s guaranteed to be a lot of fun! (Especially when you get to Season 3!)

This amazing story is currently available for pre-order for just $.99 cents!: and will be released on July 4th to celebrate the Birthday of our Brand, Lemons & Gold.

I’m On YouTube!!

Check out my channel! I’m new to YouTube and I’m still trying to figure out what works, but I’ve decided that from here moving forward, all of these kinds of updates will be on YouTube or on my podcasts Spotify at Squeeze Team Radio. Through these platforms, you’ll get to know me, my personality, and what its like to be a writer, and what it’s like to run a publishing business.

Right now I’m doing a series called Season of Authenticity, and it’s just some stuff about shadow work, finding yourself, elevating, and things I’ve noticed. I’ll be finding ways to tie this topic into writing and speculative fiction, as well as the reality of blackness and dealing with mental illness.

You can check out the latest video here (I’m awkward, I can’t help it lol! But oh well, it makes for great stories!):

So make sure you subscribe because YouTube is going to become my main spot for new information and interaction. I’ll still post here, of course, but the more in-depth stuff will be via podcast or video. Be sure to like and subscribe if you happen to stop by!

Gotta Fly!


Khali <3

Contemporary Fiction Crowdfunding Fiction Flash Fiction Flash Fiction Series Fundraiser Fundraising Investing Opportunity Magical Realism Publishing Romance Sponsorship Summer Fundraiser

Lemons & Gold Publishing Summer Fundraiser w/Indiegogo | Show Your Support

You say you want to read more diverse books. You want to see more Black superheroes, kings and queens, magical fairytale lands, space explorers, and everything, right?

Well, Lemons & Gold Publishing specializes in writing, publishing, promoting, and supporting Black authors who write Speculative Fiction novels! Only a small percentage of speculative fiction stories written by Black authors are published by the top mainstream publishing companies each year.

This is our first year, and by contributing to our crowdfund with Indiegogo , you will be helping us grow our small publishing company so that we can give our authors the love that they deserve to excel in their careers, which will help us get more diverse books in your hands.

Lemons & Gold Publishing is a Black-owned, Woman-owned, and Disability-owned company based in Central Florida. We are dedicated to raising the voices of the Black Superheroes…will you join us?

We have a goal of $50,000 with a Deadline of July 13, 2022, to reach it! We hope to reach this goal but would be just as grateful if we don’t reach that number. Thank you in advance for your support, it will not go unnoticed!

Click Here for More Information:…/lemons-gold-publishing…

Black Galaxy Literary Magazine Fiction Publishing Short Stories Speculative Fiction Uncategorized

Our First Annual Super Summer Short Story Writing Contest

Wanna get your writing out there to be seen!? This year, Lemons & Gold Publishing is hosting our first ever annual Super Summer Short Story #WritingContest for Black writers who love to write short stories involving genres such as fantasy, science fiction, the paranormal, or magical realism.

Stories can also be a cross-genre mix, such as paranormal-romance, speculative-contemporary, etc. However, for the contest, they must have a Summer theme!

The first 3 winners will be published through different major retailers including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, and Kobo (Internationally) as well as our Black Galaxy Literary Magazine.

First Place Winner will receive a cash prize, publication as listed above, and promotion of their work through all of our social media outlets for 30 days.

Submissions CAN NOT be published anywhere else in any way, shape, or form. (We will check! If we find your story published elsewhere, you will be disqualified.)

Submission Fee: $15

International Submissions Are Welcome!

Submit your story to 

The deadline to submit your story is July 1st 11:59 pm EST.

Please see further submission guidelines here:

Let’s see what you got!